

Reliability at


Predicto is a

Game changer

PREDICTO is a plug&play predictive maintenance solution offering real-time monitoring for all equipment and proposing corrective measures.

In contrast to alternative solutions limited to critical equipment, PREDICTO presents a cost-effective option applicable to all equipment, thereby ensuring comprehensive visibility of the production plant and averting unplanned production halts.

We enable Predictive maintenance adoption

Industrial challenges requiring predictive maintenance

Unplanned downtime

Health and safety

Cost of maintenance

Digitalisation challenges

Cost of implementation

PREDICTO is making this technology accessible – we develop the complete solution from sensors to AI analytics. Our slogan is “Reliability at scale.”

Lack of data infrastructure

PREDICTO takes care of all the data. It uses the advantages of cloud and advanced algorithms. The user only needs login details.

Skill Gaps

PREDICTO delivers the end result – the health status of the monitored assets and prescribed action. No need for trained staff.

Uncertain ROI and benefits

Results are clear – the users receive reports from week 1 and in case of an event – a prescription via email.

Complexity of integration

No integration required – PREDICTO is plug and play solution with all benefits of our cloud based system

Trusted by leading brands

Sectors we operate in

Let us show you how!

Get full visibility and control of your production plant today without hurdles. Together we’ll build more efficient and sustainable future.